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What Can You Do To Improve Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

As we’ve already discussed in previous blogs, we know the most common symptoms of sleep apnea. Getting adequate sleep is essential to our daily lives, so let’s discuss how we can start to improve our sleep apnea symptoms.

Aim for daily exercise

Striving to get 30 minutes of exercise each day can help reduce your sleep apnea-related breathing issues at night. Forms of exercise can include walking, running, yoga or strength training. Exercise may also help with less daytime sleepiness. Don’t be surprised if you start feeling better all around with 30 minutes of exercise every day!

Try to lose weight

Along with exercise, it’s important to make sure you’re giving your body the nutrition that it needs. Obesity is a risk factor in sleep apnea and your doctor might recommend that losing weight can help with your sleep apnea symptoms. Removing alcohol and smoking can also help with weight loss and symptoms.

Adjust your Sleep Position

When sleeping on your back, it can cause your throat to constrict and your tongue to fall back into your throat blocking your airway. It is best to try sleeping on your side or if you must sleep on your back, try putting a pillow behind you to keep elevated. When your airway is open more, you are less likely to snore, helping you get better sleep.

Use Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) is a common and more comfortable alternative to the popular CPAP machine. OAT is a mouthguard type device that helps keep your jaw and tongue forward while you sleep to prevent blocking your airway. Our dentist, a diplomate in sleep medicine, Dr. Ousley, can create a custom appliance to fit your mouth correctly. This makes it more comfortable for you and helps relieve sleep apnea symptoms, so you are getting better sleep.

Interested in a CPAP alternative? Check out Better Sleep Oklahoma’s oral appliance therapy solutions. Contact us today for more information!


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